Legal Field IT Specialists CEO, Robert Finley, responding to a question regarding taking initiative and making recommendations:

Our firm struggles with inefficiencies and needs help getting priorities accomplished. Would an IT partner be able to assist us with this?

When you are running a business, especially a law firm, you have to be flexible, nimble, and quick to respond to changes in your environment. One minute you are working on a large closing, defense, or law suit with a client and the next minute you are helping others in your firm recover from a situation that went south and you are trying to make the best of a not-so-great situation.

When you are working to put all the pieces in place it's always best to keep the overall objective of the firm in mind. Otherwise you may end up 'dressing up' something that was done entirely wrong to begin with...much like the lady in this picture helping her husband with his tie...only to later realize that his suit is on backwards to begin with.

Having a trusted partner taking care of your IT could be comparable to this in some ways. If you don't get the fundamentals of security handled in your firm dressing it up and putting on a tie won't resolve your fundamental issues. In order to make sure your firm runs correctly, partners have access to the files they need when they need them, paralegals have their needed documents, papers get filed with the correct court, and tasks get completed on time you need to have a partner that has your back and will help you shed light on things that could be improved.

Unfortunately, what we see many times are firms with IT companies where IT sits around waiting to be told what to do by their clients without taking the initiative to make recommendations for operational efficiencies and security needs...when they should be helping to make their law firm clients stronger, more resilient and more profitable.

If you are looking for a real IT and productivity partner for your firm who will work with you to escalate your success instead of just sitting around waiting for you to tell them to do something call us today. Legal Field IT Specialists excels in this area and we provide tailored IT support services to law firms to protect your firm from the dangers of online threats as well as working with you to ensure that your staff is highly productive & efficient which, in turn, increases your firm's profitability as a whole.

Phone: (678) 926-9192